Depression is nourished by a lifetime of ungrieved and unforgiven hurts Penelope Sweep

“For me being depressed means you can spend all day in bed, and still not get a good night’s rest.”  Anonymous

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Biological Theory of Depression

Evidence that depression is related to genetics has been growing recently as more and more research is being preformed to determine the role the brain and heredity play in the likelihood an individual will develop depression. Studies show that at least half of the depressives have increased levels of activity in the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis of the brain. Another medical evidence is the documentation of higherthan normal amounts of cortisol discharges in the adrenal glands of depressives, and eccentric brain wave powers as recorded by electroencephalograms. 

Research has also shown that depression is something that is hereditary, and that has a tendency to run in families. Researches have published that there is a reason to believe depression can be inherited and is thus a biological disease. When doing a studies to twins, it was 80 percent likely that they will both develop bipolar depression, due to their genes. People disagree with the biological theory because it ignores environmental factors of life.


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