Depression is nourished by a lifetime of ungrieved and unforgiven hurts Penelope Sweep

“For me being depressed means you can spend all day in bed, and still not get a good night’s rest.”  Anonymous

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Environmental Theory of Depression

The environmental theory of depression takes in considerations various events in the people's lives. Environmental causes of depression includes things us stress, traumatic events and childhood difficulties.  These are events that can occur to anyone, and that happen in our daily life. They are considered factors that are outside of ourselves, and that we can not control. 
Stress is one of the environmental factors that c
auses a ton of depression. Stress alters your body and emotions making you develop depression. No matter if it is good stress like planning a wedding, or a super event. Or if it is a bad stress like one that is suffering the death of a loved one. In conclusion, stress has a very tight relationship with depression. 
It is a fact that many people has suffered from a traumatic event before having depression. Traumatic events in the lives of people include a loss of a loved one, a serious medical illness, or the loss of a marriage. These types of events can destroy the sense of control and stability in a person's life, often leading to emotional distress. 
It has been long known that childhood difficulties lead to depression. These can include sexual, physical or emotional abuse, parental separation or mental illness in one or both parents. The most difficult event to bear is the separation or the death of loss one before the age of eleven. People that have lived these events are more probable to develop depression

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